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广东省肺癌研究所 张嘉涛
- 患者,女,66岁,不吸烟者
- 一个月前出现咳血丝痰,至当地医院体检胸部CT提示左下肺结节,约1.2*1.1cm,进一步PET-CT提示其余部位无可疑代谢增高影,考虑为早期肺癌;
- 按计划先行楔形切除,术中冰冻提示腺癌,遂进一步行左下肺根治术,将左下叶支气管切缘再送冰冻,正当我们认为手术结束了的时候,冰冻回报:支气管切缘阳性!
- 这确实令人惊讶,1.2cm的肺部结节,比较外周,竟然会支气管切缘阳性,也就是切缘处有肿瘤细胞;
- 于是进一步致电病理科医生确认结果,因为很少见的情况下会存在标本污染的情况,而病理科医生很负责任地告诉我们这确实是阳性,并不是污染,原因是切片中肿瘤细胞很明显存在于支气管壁内(如下图): - 按照IASLC关于肺癌外科切除残留病灶R分级,这是一个明确的R1切除,所以我们进一步将支气管切缘往近端切,达到R0切除。
NSCLC手术残留病灶Residual Tumor(R)分级
在15年前,基于既往的定义及认识,在三位带头人的带领下,IASLC Staging Committee (分期委员会)通过多轮多学科讨论达成共识,并拟定肺癌外科切除complete, incomplete以及uncertain切除定义:
于是,15年的风雨过去了,近期这三位带头人在JTO上发表一项comment,回顾并展望肺癌外科完整切除/残留病灶的定义 三项研究为IASLC定义R分级正名2017 Lung Cancer + 2020 JTO + 2020 JTO
# CR:complete resection; UR: uncertain resection; IR: Incomplete resection; R1: R1 resection; R2: R2 resection; pN0: pathological lymph nodes negative; pN+: pathological lymph nodes positive.
结合上述的定义,这三个研究中病例对于R uncertain的重新调整主要集中在术中淋巴结评估不足,从完整切除来说,必须达到系统性淋巴结清扫(≥3 N1+≥3N2)或者lobe-specific淋巴结清扫; 此外,支气管切缘原位癌这一情况已明确归为R1,支气管灌洗液细胞学阳性(R1 cy+)归为R uncertain;
1、STAS:气腔内播散(spread through air spaces)与肿瘤局部复发明确相关,或许在亚肺叶切除中,出现STAS应被认为imcomplete resection或至少为uncertain resection; 2、术后外周血CTC或ctDNA/RNA提示着更差的预后,液体活检的加入或许可改进complete resection的定义; 3、CALGB140503,JCOG0802/0804将会证实亚肺叶切除(楔切或肺段)在2cm以下部分实性或实性结节手术的适应症,因此其完整切除的范围定义同样需要被确立;。
1. Rami-Porta R, Wittekind C, Goldstraw P; International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Staging Committee. Complete resection in lung cancer surgery: proposed definition. Lung Cancer. 2005;49(1):25-33. 2. Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Kim AW, Tanoue LT. The Eighth Edition Lung Cancer Stage Classification. Chest. 2017;151(1):193-203. 3. Rami-Porta R, Wittekind C, Goldstraw P. Complete Resection in Lung Cancer Surgery: From Definition to Validation and Beyond [published online ahead of print, 2020 Oct 13]. J Thorac Oncol. 2020;S1556-0864(20)30727-9. 4. Gagliasso M, Migliaretti G, Ardissone F. Assessing the prognostic impact of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer proposed definitions of complete, uncertain, and incomplete resection in non-small cell lung cancer surgery. Lung Cancer. 2017;111:124-130. 5. Osarogiagbon RU, Faris NR, Stevens W, et al. Beyond Margin Status: Population-Based Validation of the Proposed International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Residual Tumor Classification Recategorization. J Thorac Oncol. 2020;15(3):371-382. 6. Edwards JG, Chansky K, Van Schil P, et al. The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: Analysis of Resection Margin Status and Proposals for Residual Tumor Descriptors for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2020;15(3):344-359.