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你若在我便爱 发表于 2024-5-4 22:05:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
为了促进全球范围内学术交流和科学思维的碰撞,“GLOBAL YOUNG JOURNAL CLUB”全球乳腺癌中青年学术交流应运而生。复旦大学附属肿瘤医院Dr.吴炅和意大利米兰大学医学院Dr.Giuseppe Curigliano担任导师,复旦大学附属肿瘤医院Dr.杨犇龙和丹娜-法伯癌症研究所Dr.Paolo Tarantino共同发起,汇聚来自中国、比利时、法国、美国、日本、西班牙和意大利等多个国家的青年学者代表,共同探讨乳腺癌诊疗相关热点话题。

首期全球乳腺癌中青年学术交流将于北京时间5月8日晚上7点正式启动。届时,Dr.Paolo Tarantino将介绍其作为第一作者、导师Dr.Giuseppe Curigliano作为通讯作者在目前全球影响因子最高的期刊《临床医师癌症杂志》(CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians)(IF 254.7)上发表的关于ADC的综述文章“Antibody–drug conjugates: Smart chemotherapy delivery across tumor histologies”,Dr.杨犇龙将介绍中国ADC药物的研发布局,多位青年才俊展开讨论。

在五四青年节这一具有特殊意义的日子,我们诚邀广大医学同仁关注并参与GLOBAL YOUNG JOURNAL CLUB,锁定5月8日晚7点线上直播,共同期待并见证这一学术盛事的开启。

先导视频 w1.jpg

video: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/readtemplate?t=pages/video_player_tmpl&action=mpvideo&auto=0&vid=wxv_3441219096413667332


Dr. Jiong Wu

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, China

• Executive Vice President, Chief Physician and Doctoral Advisor, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center

• Director of Drug Clinical Trial Institution

• President, China Anti-Cancer Association Committee of Breast Cancer Society (CACA-CBCS)

• President, Breast Group, Chinese Society of Oncology, Chinese Medical Association (CMA)

• Vice President, Committee of Breast Surgeon, Chinese Medical Doctor Association (CMDA)

• Vice President, Committee of Oncology, Chinese Medical Doctor Association (CMDA)

• Chief Supervisor of the Board of Directors of Shanghai Anti-Cancer Foundation Association (SHACFA)

• Executive Director of the Ninth Council of Shanghai Anti-Cancer Association


Dr. Giuseppe Curigliano

University of Milan, Italy

• Head Division of Early Drug Development, European Institute of Oncology, Milan

• Full Professor of Medical Oncology at University of Milano

• Fellow of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences

• Member of the National Health Council (Consiglio Superiore di Sanità, 2019-Present)

• Editor in Chief of ESMO Open

MEMBERSHIPS(Over 20 executive committees, partial display)

• European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)

• American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

• Breast International Group (BIG)

• International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG)

• European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA)

• St Gallen Early Breast Cancer Consensus Conference, Scientific Committee Member

• International Cardio-Oncology Society, Founding Member and Scientific Secretary

• Scientific Advisory Council, Breast International Group (BIG), Committee Member

• European Society of Medical Oncology, Global Policy Committee member

• European Society of Medical Oncology, Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee Chair

• Chair of European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists EUSOMA


• Over 1000 abstracts presented at national and international conferences.

• Published 15 Book Chapters

• Identified as one of Clarivate™ world's most influential researchers in 2022 and 2023

• H-index: Scopus: 85, Google Scholar: 147

• Number of Citations: Scopus:38,447, Google Scholar: 126,647


Dr. Benlong Yang

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, China

• Breast Surgery, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center

• Deputy Chief Physician, Doctor of Oncology, under the tutelage of Professor Wu Jiong

• Young expert and secretary of the Breast Cancer Professional Committee of China Anti Cancer Association

• Member of Breast Cancer Expert Committee of China Science and Technology Industry Association

• Council member of the of Fudan University Medical Science Popularization Youth League

• Secretary of CBCS Guidelines Compilation Group, member of the tour group

• Founder of "A Little Different Yang" series of video programs


Dr. Paolo Tarantino

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA

• Advanced research fellow, Breast Oncology Program, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School

• Researcher, European Institute of Oncology

• Research interest on the study of the HER2 oncoprotein,the emerging HER2-low subgroup of breast tumors and the devolopment of novel antibody-drug conjugates to treat each subtype of breast cancer


Dr. Dario Trapani

European Institute of Oncology, ltaly

• Medical Oncologist, European Institute of Oncology, IRCCS, Milan

• Assistant Professor, Department of Oncology and Haemato-Oncology, University of Milan

• Chair of the Cancer Medicines Committee, ESMO

• Dario has been the first ESMO-seconded consultant to the WHO within the Cancer Control team, as part of the Noncommunicable Diseases Department. He supported the development of the WHO tool for National Cancer Control Planning and for a Cancer Workforce strategy. As part of his interest in cancer policy, Dario has been a member of the WHO Working Groups involved in priority-setting, including for the selection of Essential Medicines, and in the Strategic Advisory Group for Essential Diagnostics (SAGE EDL).


Dr. Ilana Schlam

Tufts Medical Center, USA

• Currently Pursuing MPH at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Boston

Institutional and Professional Service

• Leader of the Tufts Medicine Breast Oncology Research Group

• Moderator of the breast oncology tumor board – Tufts Medicine

• Member of the ACP MKSAP Oncology Committee

• Tufts Medical Center: Fellowship Clinical Competency Committee (CCC),  Internal Medicine Program Admissions Committee, Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee (PRMC), Breast Cancer Leadership Committee, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee

Research and scholarly

• Ad hoc reviewer: (1)Cancers, (2)Breast cancer research and treatment, (3)Future oncology

• As the Invited speaker or faculty in 12 conferences, including 2 international ones.

• Published 39 original papers, reviews, and editorials in refereed journals

• Published 3 books

• Published 29 abstracts for conference papers and posters


Dr. Kazuki Nozawa

Aichi Cancer Center Hospital, Japan

• Chief Physician, Center for Cancer Genomics and Advanced Therapeutics, Breast Oncology, Aichi Cancer Center Hospital

Academic membership:

• American Society of Clinical Oncology

• European Society for Medical Oncology

• Japan Society of Medical Oncology

• Japanese Breast Cancer Society

Activity of clinical trials during latest 2 years:
• Principal investigator: 2 trials, Sub-investigator: 30 trials
• A total of 19 papers have been published, primarily in the fields of breast and gastric cancer, encompassing a range of topics including pharmacological treatment, targeted therapy, chemotherapy, case studies, and the discussion of therapeutic strategies


Dr. Kevin Punie

GZA Hospital Sint-Augustinus, Belgium

• Staff member department of Medical Oncology, Oncological Centre Antwerp, GZA Hospitals, Campus Sint-Augustinus, Belgium

Professional Experience:

• Board member (Vice-president since 2023), Belgian Society of Medical Oncology (BSMO)

• Esmo Young Oncologists committee member, European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)

• External scientific reviewer, European Medicine Agency (EMA)

• Breast Cancer Group Steering Committee Member, EORTC

Relevant Clinical Trial/Study Experience:

• Served as a Principal Investigator in several interventional trials related to breast cancer, including advanced triple-negative breast cancer and HR+/HER2- breast cancer treatments.

• The trials included various phases from Phase I to Phase III


• Has 191 publications in Web of Science, with an h-index of 23 and a citation count of 2814.

• Has 286 publications in Google Scholar, with an h-index of 29 and a citation count of 4379.


Dr. Olga Martinez Saez

Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Spain

• Medical Oncologist, Attending Physician at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona since 2019.

Academic Achievements

• At least 30 scientific papers published on ESMO Open, JAMA Oncology, Nature Communications, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Current Treatment Options in Oncology), Cancer and so on

Research Projects and Contracts
• Number of Research Projects: At least 10 projects.
Visiting Experiences

• Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Boston, USA, for a one-year postdoctoral research.

• Royal Marsden Hospital: As a guest.

• Instituto de Salud Carlos III: Madrid, as a guest.


Dr. Thomas Grinda

Gustave Roussy Cancer Institute, France

• Assistant Professor at Gustave Roussy

• Research Fellow at Dana Farber Cancer Institute

• Visiting Post-doctoral Scholar at Broad Institute

• MD and Msc of  Sorbonne University, France

Report of Presentation:

• Plenary session on the impact of age on prognosis in the ESME cohort,  SFSPM Nice 2022

• Educational Session on Real World Data, "The Enabling large scale analysis: The ESME Project", ESMO Breast 2022

• Invited Speaker "The future of hepatic intra-arterial chemotherapy", Serbian French Novi Sad Oncology Congress


Dr. Chang Gong

Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital Sun Yat-Sen University, China

• Professor/Chief Physician of Breast Surgery, Surgical Doctorate,Doctoral Supervisor, Director of Breast Diagnostic Specialty

• Standing Member of Breast Committee, Chinese Medical Women's Association

• Committee Member of the Clinical Oncology Committee, Chinese Medical Women's Association

• Vice President of the Breast Specialist Committee and Head of the Young Physicians Professional Group, Guangdong Medical Association

• Vice President, Cancer Early Screening and Diagnosis Committee, Guangdong Precision Medicine Application Association

• Vice President, Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis and Treatment Committee, Guangdong Provincial Anticancer Association

• Vice President, Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment Committee, Guangdong Preventive Medical Association

• Standing Committee Member of the Breast Disease Branch, Guangdong Medical Association

• Headed projects:

1 project of National Key R&D Program of China, as the leader

7 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China

7 projects of provincial and ministerial funds

2 project of CSCO foundation

• Granted membership in 5 esteemed talent programs by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, the Ministry of Education of China, and Guangdong Provincial Program for Outstanding Young Scientists

• Second Prize, Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award

• Editor-in-Chief of the monograph' Application of Tissue Markers in Precision Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Diseases', published by People's Medical Publishing House

• Published 39 articles as the first/corresponding author in Cancer Cell, Molecular Cancer, Cancer Research, Advanced Science, and Nature Communications, with a total of 2,771 citations, including 3 highly cited papers


Dr. Hengyu Li

Changhai Hospital, China

• Associate Professor, Deputy Chief Physician, Master's supervisor.

• Director of Thyroid and Breast Surgery, Changhai Hospital

• Vice President and Secretary-General, Yangtze Breast Cancer Society Group  (YBCSG)

• Vice President and Designated President of the Cancer Prevention, Treatment, and Clinical Research Committee, Chinese Aging Well association

• Standing Committee Member of the Young Expert Committee of the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO)

• Committee Member of the Breast Cancer Group, 12th Committee of Oncology Branch, Chinese Medical Association

• Committee Member of the Tumor Heterogeneity and Individualized Therapy Committee, Chinese Anticancer Association

• Committee Member of the Breast Cancer Specialty Committee, Shanghai Anticancer Association

• Awarded the Innovation Achievement Award by Changhai Hospital in 2023

• Served as editor-in-chief for  Current Status and Controversies in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer ——A Tribute to the Next 100 Scientific Question, Frontiers in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Malignant Tumors, and so on.

• Authored 3 expert consensus statements

• 2 SCI papers with an impact factor of over 20 as the corresponding author


Dr. Hong Hu

Shenzhen People's Hospital, China

• M.D./Ph.D.  Director, Breast Surgery, Shenzhen People's Hospital

• Member, China Anti-Cancer Association Breast Cancer Society

• Member, Chinese Medical Association Breast Oncology Youth Society

• Editorial Board, Clinical Breast Cancer


Dr. Hongmei Zheng

Hubei Cancer Hospital, China

• M.D., Deputy Chief Physician, Hubei Cancer Hospital

• Master's Supervisor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology

• Deputy Director/Leading Principal of Breast Center, Hubei Cancer Hospital

• Visiting Scholar at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine

• Member of the Breast Cancer Committee, Chinese Anticancer Association

• Young Expert of the Breast Cancer Committee, Chinese Anticancer Association

• Young Scholar of Breast Oncology Group, Oncology Branch, Chinese Medical Association

• Deputy President of the Youth Committee of Breast Cancer Committee, Hubei Anti-Cancer Association

• Vice President of the Breast and Thyroid Committee, Hubei Society of Microcirculation

• Vice President of the Youth Committee of Breast Cancer Committee, Hubei Provincial Society of Clinical Oncology

• Vice President of the Breast Cancer Expert Committee, Hubei Association of Medical and Bio-Immunology

• Selected as a Top Young Talent in Medicine in Hubei Province in 2023

• Selected as a Middle-aged and Young Medical Backbone Talent in Wuhan in 2015

• Presided over 3 research projects funded by Health Commission of Hubei Province

• Participated in over 100 international and domestic multi-center breast cancer drug clinical trials (GCP)

• Published over 30 academic papers, including 10 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author

• Editorial Board Member of Cancer Chinese Edition, Review Expert of Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology, and Review Expert of Frontiers in Oncology


Dr. Junjie Li

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, China

• Deputy Chief Physician and Associate Professor of the Department of Breast Surgery, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, MD, Master's supervisor.

• Currently serving as the Deputy Administrative Director of Breast Surgery, Director of Pudong Ward, and Secretary of the Department's Teaching.

• Graduated from the seven-year clinical medicine program of Fudan University in 2008, specialized in breast cancer in the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center in the United State. Focusing on clinical and basic research on breast cancer, participating in and designing multiple international and domestic multi-center clinical trials. Published ~20 SCI papers in authoritative journals such as JCO. Currently hosting 1 project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(General Program). A member of  the Fudan University Young Clinical Scientist Training Program.

Currently serving as:

• Young Expert of the Breast Cancer Professional Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association

• Young expert of the Breast Oncology Group of the Chinese Medical Association

• The Executive Member and Secretary-General of the Breast Cancer Professional Committee of the Shanghai Anticancer Association

• The Executive Member of the International Medical Exchange Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association

• The Executive Member of the Breast Cancer Integrated Rehabilitation Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association

• The Deputy President of the Breast Cancer Youth Committee of the Beijing Cancer Prevention & Treatment Society

• The young and middle-aged editor of the Chinese Journal of Breast Diseases


Dr. Lei Fan

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, China

• Deputy Chief Physician, Breast Surgery, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center

• PhD in Oncology,   Master's supervisor, Fudan University

• Young Committee Member of the Breast Cancer Specialty Committee, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association

• Young Committee Member, China Anti-Cancer Association Committee of Breast Cancer Society

• Young Committee Member, Breast Group, Chinese Society of Oncology, Chinese Medical Association

• Vice President of the Young Committee, Tumor Targeted Molecular Branch, Shanghai Medical Association

• Member of the International Medical Exchange Branch, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association

• Member of the Breast Specialty Committee, Chinese Research Hospital Association

• Member of the Breast Cancer Specialty Committee, Shanghai Anticancer Association

• Member of the Psychosomatic Medicine Specialty Committee, Shanghai Medical Association

• Member of the Science Popularization Committee, Shanghai Medical Women's Association

• Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center

• Involved in numerous national and Shanghai municipal-level funding projects

• Published over 20 articles indexed by SCI such as Lancet Oncology, JAMA Oncology, etc., including more than 10 articles as the first or corresponding author.


Dr. Peng Tang

The Southwest Hospital of AMU, China

• Deputy Chief Physician/Associate Professor

• Deputy Director of Breast and Thyroid Surgery, The Southwest Hospital of AMU

• Won the first prize in the 2016 National Young and Middle-aged Breast Cancer Surgery Video Competition

• Visiting scholar at the National Cancer Institute of the United States

• Standing Committee Member of the Breast Specialty Committee of the Chinese Research Hospital Association

• Member of the Breast Surgery Expert Group, Surgical Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association

• Young Expert of the Breast Cancer Professional Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association

• Young Expert of Breast Cancer Group, Oncology Branch of Chinese Medical Association

• Young Committee Member of the General Surgery Specialty Committee, Chinese Research Hospital Association

• Young Committee Member of the Parathyroid and Bone Metabolism Diseases Specialty Committee, Chinese Research Hospital Association


Dr. Xiang Huang

Jiangsu Province Hospital, China

• Associate Professor, Deputy Chief Physician

• Member of the Anti-Tumor Drug Safety Committee of the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO)

• Member of the Multidisciplinary Diagnosis and Treatment Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (CACA)

• Young Member of the Breast Cancer Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (CACA)

• Young Member of the Clinical Research Committee of Anti-Tumor Drugs of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (CACA)

• Member of the Yangtze River Academic Belt Breast Cancer Alliance

• Member of the Breast Cancer Professional Committee of the Jiangsu Anti-Cancer Association

• Secretary-General of the Molecular Targeting Committee of Research-oriented Hospitals in Jiangsu Province

• Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)


Dr. Xiaoping Li

Jiangmen Central Hospital, China

• MD Ph.D, Deputy chief surgeon, associate professor

• Breast Dept. Jiangmen Central Hospital, Guangdong Provincce

• Post-doctoral@Duke-NUS, Singapore(2022.05-2023.05)

• Post-doctoral@Oklahoma Health & Science Center(2020.01-2020.06)

• Reseach Field:The Artificial Intelligence in Whole Slide Image of Breast Cancer

• Selected Publication:Computers in Biology and Medicine,2022: 106291.

• Gland Surgery,2023, 12(2): 183. European Radiology, 2021, 31(6): 3683-3692.



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