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wen_2 发表于 2021-11-24 09:26:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
阿米巴肺脓肿        amebic abscess of lung
阿瓦德微管型膜式氧合器        Awad tubular membrane oxygenator
巴伯-马西娅主动脉干修复术        Barero-Marcial method of truncus arterious
伯德-吉亚利综合征        Budd Chiari syndrome
巴蒂斯塔缩容心脏成形术        Batista volume reducing cardioplasty
巴雷特食管        Barrett esophagus
巴洛综合征        Barlow syndrome
白细胞隔离        leukocyte sequestration
白细胞聚集体        leukocyte aggregate
瓣膜成形术        valvoplasty
瓣膜切开术        valvotomy
瓣中瓣人工瓣植入术        valve in valve prosthetic valve implantation
瓣周漏        perivalvular leakage
贝尔西食管裂孔疝修补术        Belsey hiatal hernia repair
贝克三体征        Beck triad?
贲门成形术        cardioplasty
贲门肌切开术        cardiomyotomy
本特利调温氧合器        Bentley temptrol oxygenator
本托尔手术        Bentall operation
泵校准        calibration of pump
闭合性气胸        closed pneumothorax?
闭式二尖瓣交界分离术        closed mitral commissurotomy
闭式二尖瓣交界扩张器        dilator for closed mitral commissurotomy
壁束        parietal band
波茨-史密斯分流术        Potts -Smith shunt operation
* 波状碟片        convoluted discs
搏动灌注        pulsatile perfusion
搏动血流        pulsatile flow
搏动血流泵        pulsatile flow pump
博尔德摩尔食管吻合术        Beordmore anastomosis of esophagus
补体激活        complement activation
布莱洛克-陶西格分流术        Blalock-Taussig shunt
布朗-哈里森热交换器        Brown-Harrison heat exchanger
布里斯班主动脉瓣与升主动脉置换术        Brisbane method of aortic valve and ascending aorta replacement
布罗姆修复术        Brom repair
部分性房室通道        partial atrioventricular canal
常温心脏手术        normothermic heart surgery
超声监测        ultrasonic monitoring
创伤后气管狭窄        post-traumatic tracheal stenosis
创伤性膈疝        traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
创伤性心包压塞        traumatic pericardial tamponade
垂屏式氧合器        screen oxygenator
达穆斯-凯-斯坦塞尔动脉转位术        Damus-Kaye-stansel arterial switch procedure
大泡性肺气肿        bullous emphysema
戴维森分流术        Davidson shunt
带窗的丰唐手术        fenestrated Fontan operation
单侧膈肌麻痹(有曾用名)        unilateral paralysis of diaphragm  /曾用名“单侧膈肌瘫痪” * 单侧膈膨升        hemidiaphragmatic eventration
单心室性房室连接        univentricular atrioventricular connections
德瓦尔鼓泡式氧合器        De Wall bubble oxygenator
低温下氧耗定律        Van't Hoff law
低温心脏停搏液        cryocardioplegic solution
低氧性酸中毒        hypoxic acidosis
涤纶编制人造血管        dacron wool filter
涤纶毛滤器        dacron wool filter
电磁流量计        electromagnetic flowmeter
电解质平衡液        balanced electrolyte solution
电解质转移        electrolyte shift
电视胸腔镜手术        video assisted thoracic operation
碟式氧合器        disc oxygenator
顶部胸廓成形术        apical thoracoplasty
动静脉分流术        arteriovenous shunt operation
动静脉血体外膜式氧合        arteriovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
动静脉血氧差        arteriovenous oxygen difference
动静脉血氧合        arteriovenous oxygenation
动力性心肌成形术        dynamic cardiomyoplasty
动脉泵        arterial pump
动脉插管[术]        arterial cannulation
动脉-动脉反搏        arterio-arterial counterpulsation
动脉管路        arterial line
动脉管路滤器        arterial line filter
动脉管路气泡捕集器        arterial bubble trap
动脉灌注管路        arterial perfusion line
动脉内膜切除术        endarterectomy
动脉热交换器        arterial heat exchanger
动脉输液        arterial infusion
动脉血返回        arterial blood re-entry
动脉压监测        arterial blood pressure monitoring
动脉圆锥        arterial cone, conus arteriosus又称“漏斗(infundibulum)”
动脉贮血室        arterial reservoir
动脉贮血室截流活瓣        arterial reservoir check valve
动脉转位术        arterial switch procedure
窦房结动脉        artery of sinoatrial node
窦状隙        sinusoid, sinusoid space
钝缘支动脉        obtuse marginal artery
多尔心室成形术        Dor remodeling ventriculoplasty
二尖瓣关闭不全卡尔庞捷修复术        Carpentier repair of mitral incompetence
二尖瓣置换术        mitral valve replacement
PH反流试验        PH reflex test
房间隔切除术        atrial septectomy, Blalock-Hanlon technique
房室结动脉        artery of atrioventricular node
非搏动灌注        non-pulsatile perfusion
肥厚阻塞型心肌病心肌切除术        myectomy in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
肺包虫囊肿        hydatid cyst of lung
肺错构瘤        pulmonary hamartoma
肺动脉不发育        agenesis of pulmonary artery
肺动脉高压危象        pulmonary hypertensive crisis
肺动脉环束术        pulmonary artery banding
肺动脉指数        pulmonary artery index, Nakata index
肺段切除术        segmental resection of lung
肺隔离症        pulmonary sequestration
肺门血管结扎        ligation of hilar vessels
肺泡血管癌        pulmonary alveolus
肺泡性肺不张        alveolar atelectasis
肺膨出        pneumatocele
肺切除术        pulmonary resection
肺上沟瘤        pulmonary sulcus tumor, Pancoast tumor
肺栓塞        pulmonary embolism
肺外氧合        extrapulmonary oxygenation
肺腺瘤病        pulmonary adenomatosis
肺楔形切除术        wedge resection of lung
肺叶切除术        pulmonary lobectomy
分隔术        septation operation
分流分数        shunt fraction
丰唐手术        Fontan operation
辅助循环        assist circulation
腐蚀性食管狭窄        caustic stricture of esophagus
肝素测定系统 heparin assay system
肝素辅助因子 Antithrombin Ⅲ
肝素化 heparinization
肝素化逆转 heparinization reversal
肝素涂覆管道 heparin coated tubing
高凝性 hypercoagulability
戈尔-特克斯插入式分流术 Gore-Tex interposition shunt operation
隔束 septal band
*隔缘肉柱 septomarginal trabecula, moderator band又称“节制索”
膈恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of diaphragm
膈良性肿瘤 benign tumor of diaphragm
膈膨升折叠术 plication of eventration of diaphragm
膈破裂 rupture of diaphragm
膈疝修补 repair of diaphragmatic hernia
膈上憩室 epiphrenic diverticulum
膈神经电刺激呼吸 electrophrenic respiration
膈神经麻痹 phrenic nerve paralysis
膈神经切除术 phrenicectomy
膈下异常肺静脉连接 infradiaphragmatic anomalous pulmonary venous connection
根治性全肺切除术 radical pneumonectomy
鼓泡氧合柱 bubble oxygenating column
冠状动脉侧枝血流 coronary collateral flow
*冠状动脉搭桥术 bypass operation of coronary artery
冠状动脉窃血综合征 coronary steal syndrome
冠状动脉肺血流 coronary artery
冠状动脉灌注 coronary perfusion
冠状动脉流入血流 coronary arterial inflow
冠状动脉旁路移植术 coronary artery bypass grafting又称“冠状动脉搭桥术”
*冠状动脉完全性动脉化搭桥术 coronary total arterialized bypass grafing
冠状动脉完全性动脉化旁路移植术 coronary total arterialized bypass grafting又称“冠状动脉完全性动脉化搭桥术”
冠状动脉“无再灌注”现象 coronary “no reperfusion” phenomenon
冠状动脉血吸引装置 coronary suction device
冠状窦瓣 valve of coronary sinus
冠状窦逆行灌注 coronary sinus retrograde perfusion
冠状静脉窦型房间隔缺损 coronary sinus atrial septal defect
灌注不足 hypoperfusion
灌注充分 adequacy of perfusion
灌注肺 perfusion lung
灌注后综合征 postperfusion syndrome
灌注压 perfusion pressure
灌注液 perfusate
滚子泵 roller pump
黑勒贲门肌切开术 Heller operation, Heller cardiomyotomy
喉气管切除术 laryngotracheal resection
后外侧开胸术 posterolateral thoracotomy
滑动性食管裂孔疝 sliding hiatal hernia
换瓣术后血栓形成 post-valve-replacement thrombosis
混合静脉血氧张力 mixed venous blood oxygen tension
机械瓣 mechanical prosthetic valve
激光心肌血运重建术 transmyocardial laser revascularization
吉本-梅奥人工心肺机 Gibbon-Mayo heart-lung machine
脊柱旁骨膜外胸廓成形术 paravertibral extraperiosteal thoracoplasty
脊柱旁胸廓成形术 paravertibral thoracoplasty
假通道 false channel
间歇性主动脉血流阻断 intermittent aortic occlusion
剪切率 shear rate
腱索缩短术 shortening of chordae tendineae
腱索延长术 lengthening of chordae tendineae
腱索移位术 transposition of chordae tendineae
降落伞式二尖瓣 parachute mitral valve
胶体渗透压 colloid osmotic pressure
胶原浸充移植物 collagen impregnated graft
交叉灌注 cross perfusion
交叉心脏 criss-cross heart
交叉循环 cross circulation
节制索 moderator band, septomarginal trabecula又称“隔缘肉柱”  
结间束 internodal tract
结间通道 internodal pathway
界嵴 crista terminalis
介挺手术 Jatene operation
晶体渗透压 crystalloid osmotic pressure
晶体心脏停搏液 crystalloid cardioplegic solution
晶体血液稀释 crystalloid hemodilution
经皮针刺肺活检 percutaneous needle lung biopsy
经支气管肺活检 transbronchial lung biopsy
颈部食管胃吻合术 cervical esophagogastrostomy
静脉插管[术] venous cannulation
静脉-动脉转流术 Veno-arterial bypass
静脉窦综合征 sinus venosus syndrome
静脉回流 venous return
静脉回流管路 venous return line
静脉-静脉转流术 venous to venous bypass
静脉内氧合 intravenous oxygenation
静脉血动脉化 arterialization of venous blood
静脉贮血器 venous reservoir
局部血流 regional flow
卷筒式硅胶膜式氧合器 coiled silicone membrane oxygenator
卡尔庞捷环 Carpentier ring
(有注释)卡塔格纳三联征 Kartagener triad, Kartagener syndrome一种常染色体隐性遗传病,有右位心(内脏转位)、支气管扩张及鼻窦炎
开放性气胸 Open pneumothorax
开胸肺活检 Open lung biopsy
开胸探查术 exploratory thoracotomy
抗凝剂拮抗剂 anticoagulant antagonist
颗粒性微栓子 particulate microemboli
(有注释)科赫三角 Koch triangle房室结在此三角尖处
科利斯手术 Collis technique
可控涡流离心泵 controlled vortex centrifugal pump
跨膜压 transmembrane pressure
拉斯泰利手术 Rastelli operation又称“心外管道术”
肋骨骨膜剥脱术 periosteal stripping of rib
(有注释)肋骨切迹 rib notching主动脉缩窄时,肋间后动脉血流增多,动脉扩张纡曲压迫肋骨形成切迹,X线 检查可见
肋骨纤维性发育不良 fibrous dysplasia of rib
肋间引流术 Intercostals drainage
肋软骨切断术 costal chondrotomy
肋软骨炎 costal chondritis
*冷心脏麻痹法 cold cardioplegia
冷心脏停搏[法] cold cardioplegia又称“冷心脏麻痹法”
冷心脏停搏液 冷心脏停搏液cold cardioplegic solution冷心脏停搏液[汉英医学名词 6]cold cardioplegic solution
离心泵 centrifugal pump
离心式细胞清洗器 centrifugal cell washer
里德二尖瓣瓣环成形术 Reed mitral annuloplasty
粒细胞沉积 granulocyte deposition
流出道补片术 outflow tract patching
流量 flow rate
隆凸成形术 Carinoplasty
隆凸切除术 carina resection
* 漏斗 Infundibulum
漏斗部闭锁 infundibular atresia
漏斗胸矫正术 corrective operation of pectus excavatum
滤过分数 filtration fraction
毛细管型膜式氧合器 capillary membrane oxygenator
迷宫术 maze operation
迷走右锁骨下动脉 aberrant right subclavian artery
迷走左肺动脉 aberrant left pulmonary artery
弥漫性食管痉挛 diffuse spasm of esophagus
囊性腺瘤样畸形 cystic adenomatoid malformation
脑灌注 cerebral perfusion
内生性氧合 cardioplegic solution又称“心脏麻痹液”
内因性凝血 intrinsic coagulation
尼凯多赫-贝克斯手术 Nikaidoh-Bex procedure
逆行性心脏停搏液灌注 retrograde perfusion of cardioplegic solution
凝血病 coagulopathy
凝血功能试验 coagulation function test
凝血级联系统 coagulation cascade system
牛心包瓣 bovine pericardium valve
喷射血流空洞化 cavitation of jet blood flow
膨体聚四氟乙烯人造血管 expanded polytetrafluoroethylene graft, Gore-Tex graft
平流 continuous nonpulsatile flow
气管成形术 tracheoplasty
气管重建术 reconstruction of trachea
气管开窗术 fenestration of trachea
气管粘液表皮样癌 mucoepidermoid carcinoma of trachea
气管憩室 tracheal diverticulum
气管腔内T形管置入术 intratracheal T-tube insertion
气管切除及重建术 tracheal resection and reconstruction
气管切开术 tracheotomy
气管食管瘘 tracheo-esophageal fistula
气管无名动脉瘘 tracheo-innominate artery fistula
气管狭窄 tracheal stenosis
气管腺样囊性癌 adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea
气管袖状全肺切除术 tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy
气管造口术 tracheostomy
气泡监测器 bubble monitor
气体掺和 gas admixture
气体滤器 gas filter
气体微栓 gaseous microemboli
气体吸收压力阶差 gas absorption pressure gradient
气胸 pneumothorax
气-血流量比率 gas/blood flow ratio
前外侧开胸术 anterolateral thoracotomy
前胸壁浅表血栓性静脉炎 superficial thrombophlebitis of anterior chest wall, Mondor's disease
腔静脉插管[术] cannulation of venae cava
强直性肌营养不良 myotonic dystrophy
倾斜式碟瓣 tilting-disk prosthetic valve
球囊泵 tilting-disk prosthetic valve
驱动压 driving pressure
全肺静脉异位引流 total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
全肺切除术 pneumonectomy
全腔静脉-肺动脉连接术 total cavopulmonary connection
全血激活凝血时间 activated blood clotting time
全纵隔清扫术 en bloc mediastinal dissection
缺血后乳头肌断裂 postischemic papillary muscle rupture
缺血后乳头肌功能不良 postischemic papillary muscle dysfunction
缺血性停搏 ischemic arrest
缺氧性停搏 anoxic arrest
人工瓣膜机械性故障 mechanical dysfunction of prosthetic valve
人工瓣膜机械性失效 mechanical failure of prosthetic valve
人工瓣膜心内膜炎 prosthetic valve endocarditis
人工肺 artificial lung
人工气管置换术 replacement of tracheal prosthesis, replacement of artificial trachea
人工心 artificial heart
人工血管置换术 prosthetic vessel replacement
溶血指数 hemolytic index
乳头肌 papillary muscles
乳头肌劈开术 splitting of papillary muscle

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