


[在线工具] 完全版的markdown,注意是否完全

经天纬地 发表于 2024-8-4 05:24:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Editor.md - Open source online Markdown editor. (pandao.github.io)
[md]### Features

- Support Standard Markdown / CommonMark and GFM(GitHub Flavored Markdown);
- Full-featured: Real-time Preview, Image (cross-domain) upload, Preformatted text/Code blocks/Tables insert, Code fold, Search replace, Read only, Themes, Multi-languages, L18n, HTML entities, Code syntax highlighting...;
- Markdown Extras : Support ToC (Table of Contents), Emoji, Task lists, @Links...;
- Compatible with all major browsers (IE8+), compatible Zepto.js and iPad;
- Support identification, interpretation, fliter of the HTML tags;
- Support TeX (LaTeX expressions, Based on KaTeX), Flowchart and Sequence Diagram of Markdown extended syntax;
- Support AMD/CMD (Require.js & Sea.js) Module Loader, and Custom/define editor plugins;

# Editor.md


![](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/pandao/editor.md.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/pandao/editor.md.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/tag/pandao/editor.md.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/release/pandao/editor.md.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/pandao/editor.md.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/bower/v/editor.md.svg)

**Table of Contents**

#H1 header
##H2 header
###H3 header
####H4 header
#####H5 header
######H6 header
#Heading 1 link [Heading link](https://github.com/pandao/editor.md "Heading link")
##Heading 2 link [Heading link](https://github.com/pandao/editor.md "Heading link")
###Heading 3 link [Heading link](https://github.com/pandao/editor.md "Heading link")
####Heading 4 link [Heading link](https://github.com/pandao/editor.md "Heading link") Heading link [Heading link](https://github.com/pandao/editor.md "Heading link")
#####Heading 5 link [Heading link](https://github.com/pandao/editor.md "Heading link")
######Heading 6 link [Heading link](https://github.com/pandao/editor.md "Heading link")

##Headers (Underline)

H1 Header (Underline)

H2 Header (Underline)



~~Strikethrough~~ <s>Strikethrough (when enable html tag decode.)</s>
*Italic*      _Italic_
**Emphasis**  __Emphasis__
***Emphasis Italic*** ___Emphasis Italic___

Superscript: X<sub>2</sub>,Subscript: O<sup>2</sup>

**Abbreviation(link HTML abbr tag)**

The <abbr title="Hyper Text Markup Language">HTML</abbr> specification is maintained by the <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr>.


> Blockquotes

Paragraphs and Line Breaks

> "Blockquotes Blockquotes", [Link](http://localhost/)。



[Links with title](http://localhost/ "link title")

`<link>` : <https://github.com>

[Reference link][id/name]

[id/name]: http://link-url/

GFM a-tail link @pandao

###Code Blocks (multi-language) & highlighting

####Inline code

`$ npm install marked`

####Code Blocks (Indented style)

Indented 4 spaces, like `<pre>` (Preformatted Text).

echo "Hello world!";

Code Blocks (Preformatted text):

| First Header  | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |


function test(){
console.log("Hello world!");

var box = function(){
return box.fn.init();

box.prototype = box.fn = {
init : function(){

return this;

add : function(str){
alert("add", str);

return this;

remove : function(str){
alert("remove", str);

return this;

box.fn.init.prototype = box.fn;

window.box =box;

var testBox = box();

####HTML code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<mate charest="utf-8" />
<title>Hello world!</title>
<h1>Hello world!</h1>




> Follow your heart.


> 图为:厦门白城沙滩 Xiamen

图片加链接 (Image + Link):

[![]()]( "李健首张专辑《似水流年》封面")

> 图为:李健首张专辑《似水流年》封面



####Unordered list (-)

- Item A
- Item B
- Item C

####Unordered list (*)

* Item A
* Item B
* Item C

####Unordered list (plus sign and nested)

+ Item A
+ Item B
+ Item B 1
+ Item B 2
+ Item B 3
+ Item C
* Item C 1
* Item C 2
* Item C 3

####Ordered list

1. Item A
2. Item B
3. Item C



First Header  | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell  | Content Cell
Content Cell  | Content Cell

| First Header  | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |

| Function name | Description                    |
| ------------- | ------------------------------ |
| `help()`      | Display the help window.       |
| `destroy()`   | **Destroy your computer!**     |

| Item      | Value |
| --------- | -----:|
| Computer  | $1600 |
| Phone     |   $12 |
| Pipe      |    $1 |

| Left-Aligned  | Center Aligned  | Right Aligned |
| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is      | some wordy text | $1600 |
| col 2 is      | centered        |   $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat        |    $1 |


####HTML entities

© &  ¨ ™ ¡ £
& < > ¥ € ® ± ¶ § ¦ ¯ « ·

X² Y³ ¾ ¼  ×  ÷   »

18ºC  "  '

##Escaping for Special Characters

\*literal asterisks\*

##Markdown extras

###GFM task list

- [x] GFM task list 1
- [x] GFM task list 2
- [ ] GFM task list 3
- [ ] GFM task list 3-1
- [ ] GFM task list 3-2
- [ ] GFM task list 3-3
- [ ] GFM task list 4
- [ ] GFM task list 4-1
- [ ] GFM task list 4-2

###Emoji mixed :smiley:

> Blockquotes :star:

####GFM task lists & Emoji & fontAwesome icon emoji & editormd logo emoji :editormd-logo-5x:

- [x] :smiley: @mentions, :smiley: #refs, [links](), **formatting**, and <del>tags</del> supported :editormd-logo:;
- [x] list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported) :editormd-logo-3x:;
- [x] [ ] :smiley: this is a complete item :smiley:;
- [ ] []this is an incomplete item [test link](#) :fa-star: @pandao;
- [ ] [ ]this is an incomplete item :fa-star: :fa-gear:;
- [ ] :smiley: this is an incomplete item [test link](#) :fa-star: :fa-gear:;
- [ ] :smiley: this is  :fa-star: :fa-gear: an incomplete item [test link](#);



Inline $$E=mc^2$$ Inline,Inline $$E=mc^2$$ Inline。


$$\sin(\alpha)^{\theta}=\sum_{i=0}^{n}(x^i + \cos(f))$$


st=>start: Login
op=>operation: Login operation
cond=>condition: Successful Yes or No?
e=>end: To admin


###Sequence Diagram

Andrew->China: Says Hello
Note right of China: China thinks\nabout it
China-->Andrew: How are you?
Andrew->>China: I am good thanks!



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