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Packing List









奥巴牛 发表于 2024-3-18 23:15:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Each student has a luggage limit of 15kg - stick to the packing list, other extra items you may bring do not get used!
Students should be able to carry their own luggage up at least one flight of stairs without any help.

Teachers will take; Foreign passport with China visa or a Chinese ID card etc. - Whatever document you normally use to check into a hotel in Mainland China. (For HK, Taiwan or Macau passport holders, you must bring your ID / permit, not your passport in order to check in).外国学生携带有签证页的护照,大陆学生携带身份证,港澳台籍学生携带出入证而不是护照.
Comfortable clothing for 3 days, which you can be active in (hiking, running around etc.) (For kayaking, you will get a few splashes on your clothes, but no need for full swimming gear). 舒适宽松的着装参加各种户外运动比如徒步跑步等。对于皮划艇你可能会沾湿衣服但是没有必要穿泳.
1 x trainers/sport shoes/sensible walking shoes.一双舒适的运动鞋.
Refillable water bottle.可以灌水的水杯.
1 x hand sanitizer.小瓶免洗手液.

Sun hat 太阳帽
Sun-cream 防晒霜
Sunglasses 太阳眼镜
Mosquito repellent 防蚊液
Wash bag (including toothbrush and paste) 洗漱包(含牙膏牙刷
Toilet paper (sometimes needed when the bus stops at service stations) 厕纸(有时服务区需要)
A big bag and a small day pack 一个大包装行李,一个小包用于每天活动
Small games to play during free time (optional) 打发自由时间的小游戏(可选)
Notebook and pen 笔记本和笔.

Recommended Clothing

Comfortable clothing for 3 days, which you can be active in (hiking, running around etc.) (You will get a few splashes, so bring an extra change of clothes) 舒适的3天的衣服,你会做很多户外活动(远足,跑步等)(你会溅到一些水,所以多带一套换洗的衣服)
5 T-shirts (synthetic is preferable) 5件t恤(最好是速干面料)
3 sweatshirts (evening wear) 运动衫3件(晚装)
1 waterproof outer shell jacket with hood 带兜帽的防水外壳夹克
2 pairs of trousers you can be active in  2条便于运动的裤子
2/3 pair of trousers/jeans (evening wear) 2/3条裤子/牛仔裤(晚装)
2 x trainers/sport shoes/sensible walking shoes. (one for daily use and one you don’t mind getting wet!) 2双运动鞋/运动鞋/轻便步行鞋。(一种是日常使用的,另一种你不介意弄湿!)
Waterproof raincoat (essential!) 防水雨衣(必要!).
Hoodie / fleece for evenings 晚上用的连帽卫衣或者抓绒衣.

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