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淋巴结阳性的定义: 临床分期第一站淋巴结转移(cN1)定义为:淋巴结短径≥1.5cm 或者 PET阳性
临床分期第二站淋巴结转移(cN2)定义为:淋巴结短径≥1.5cm 或者 PET阳性 如果以上淋巴结通过活检(如纵隔镜、EBUS和EUS)证实为有淋巴结转移癌,则为病理确认的pN1,pN2。
纵隔和颈部淋巴结(N2/N3)的评价 N2淋巴结是否阳性是肺癌(尤其是非小细胞肺癌)治疗策略的重点。N3淋巴结除影响治疗策略以外,还因为诊断和获取组织的难易差别很大而受到关注。而对于部分早期的患者,N2/N3淋巴结的组织学确认则可能是不必要的。
获得N2/N3的组织/细胞学证据可通过以下方法: • 纵隔镜检查 • 锁骨上淋巴结活检 • 胸腔镜 • 细针穿刺活检 • EBUS/EUS活检
- NCCN guideline. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 2016.4
- ACCP. Treatment of Stage I and II Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer,3rd ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. 2013
- ACCP. Treatment of Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer,3rd ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. 2013
- ACCP. Treatment of Stage IV Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer,3rd ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. 2013